
PeerVPN uses full-mesh topology and tries to establish direct links if it is possible. Usually that means that one of the nodes in a communication pair has to have a open port facing the public Internet.

The links between nodes are encrypted using AES-256 encryption algorithm and every time a link is established a new key is used to encrypt that connection. The checksum algorithm SHA-256 is used in PeerVPN.

The PeerVPN configuration is placed in /etc/peervpn/peervpn.conf or /etc/peervpn.conf depending on distribution.


Current configuration example is based on following network topology:


My PeerVPN topology

The constraints are following:

  • The VPS has public IP address of and the PeerVPN service runs on port 7000

  • The 3G router is behind ISP's NAT, which means that it has to proxy it's traffic though VPS

  • The router at home has public but dynamic IP address and it's configured to accept PeerVPN traffic on port 7000

  • The NAS box is in the home subnet

  • The laptop may be NAT'ed or not

The goals:

  • The VPS should be the entry point to the PeerVPN network

  • Once links are established the traffic between NAS and laptop should go only through the router at home

VPS configuration

In my cloud server I enabled relaying so nodes which can't connect directly could still communicate:

# Network
networkname lauri-vpn
psk verysecurepassword
enabletunneling yes
enablerelay no

# Virtual interface
interface peervpn0
#ifconfig6 2001:db8:1:2::3/64
#upcmd /etc/

# Physical interface
local                # Public static IP address of the cloud server
port 7000
#sockmark 0
#enableipv4 yes
#enableipv6 yes
#engine padlock

# Priviliege drop
enableprivdrop yes
user nobody
group nogroup
chroot /var/empty

The router at home

In my OpenWRT router I enabled following configuration for PeerVPN:

# Network
networkname lauri-vpn
psk verysecurepassword             # Pre-shared key
initpeers 7000   # Initial peer, could be more than one
enabletunneling yes                # Disable if this node only relays traffic
enablendpcache yes                 # Cache tunneled IPv6 NDP messages
enablerelay no                     # Do not relay traffic between nodes

# Virtual interface
interface peervpn0
#ifconfig6 2001:db8:1:2::3/64
#upcmd /etc/

# Physical interface
#local                     # My router has public but dynamic IP
port 7000                          # Bind to fixed port

# Privilege drop
enableprivdrop yes
user nobody
group nogroup
chroot /var/empty

I also opened up port 7000 in /etc/config/firewall:

config rule
        option name 'Allow PeerVPN'
        option src 'wan'
        option proto 'udp'
        option dest_port '7000'
        option target 'ACCEPT'

And added custom forwarding rules to allow PeerVPN nodes to access home subnet in /etc/firewall.user:

iptables -I FORWARD -i br-lan -o peervpn0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD -i peervpn0 -o br-lan -j ACCEPT

Laptop configuration

In my laptop I enabled following configuration in /etc/peervpn.conf

# Network
port 7000
networkname lauri-vpn
psk verysecurepassword
enabletunneling yes
interface peervpn0
initpeers 7000
upcmd route add -net gw

The last line adds route to subnet behind my router which means that I gain direct access to my NAS box behind the router.

To wrap up PeerVPN - I use cloud server to get initial access to my virtual private network, but once the mesh-topology is established I get direct access to my NAS box via my router.


PeerVPN talk at BeLUG

PeerVPN VPN OpenWrt iptables